Words from Dic(tionary) Albuquerque: city in central New Mexico on the Rio Grande, pop 448,607. It is the largest city in the state. A plan is when we attempt to connect two things which seem to be...
View ArticleAmiable
Amiable: (adj) having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner My traveling partner and I discuss this all the time. We’re constantly meeting new people, interacting with service organizations and...
View ArticleAnalgesic
Analgesic: (n) a drug which acts to relieve pain. Quite honestly, I have a cave man’s philosophy concerning pain and pleasure. “Pleasure. Much good.” “Pain. Me no like.” Although I do try to move away...
View ArticleAngelou, Maya
Angelou, Maya: (1928-2014): a U.S. novelist and poet, who wrote the autobiography, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” recounting her harrowing experiences as a black child in the American south. When...
View ArticleAnomymous
Anonymous: (adj) a person not identified by name; unknown name. Sometimes I stumble across an adage or poem that is particularly clever, insightful or even artistic, and at the bottom is the word...
View ArticleAnswer
Answer: (n) 1. a response to a question. 2. a solution to a problem or dilemma. “I want answers.” I’ve said it. And I have certainly heard it fall from the lips of friends and human beings passing...
View ArticleApportion
Ap·portion: (v): to divide and allocate I have a son who is always critical of me because he feels that I do not collaborate enough with others. Since he wasn’t here for the majority of my life and I...
View ArticleAppraise
Ap·praise:(v)assess the value or quality of. I was nineteen years old and I had a great idea–at least, I thought it was a great idea. My mother and father ran a loan company in our little town and in...
View ArticleApprehension
Ap·pre·hen·sion (n): 1. anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. A pall in the room. This is what I created the other night when I casually mentioned that I was diabetic. Some...
View ArticleAquiline
Aquiline: (adj) like an eagle, esp. referring to the nose. EX: “hooked like an eagle’s beak.” It arrives at about age twelve, and hopefully, by the grace of God, disappears on one’s eighteenth...
View ArticleAwry
Awry: (adj & adv) away from the planned or expected course; amiss. What we all are trying to avoid in our journey is the sensation of disappointment. We can survive tragedy, mayhem, struggle,...
View ArticleBattle
Battle: (n) a sustained fight between large, organized armed forces. I think I have a new favorite stupid statement–even though I must admit that “favorite stupid statement” may be an oxymoron....
View ArticleBazaar
Bazaar: (n) a market in a Middle Eastern country. I often comfort myself with the knowledge that if I didn’t do dumb things, I wouldn’t have great stories to tell. So a certain amount of imperfection,...
View ArticleBelief
Belief: (n) an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. “Stacks.” It is a word connoting an accumulation of stuff. It’s supposed to be impressive. Why? There is a lot of it and it...
View ArticleBelligerent
Belligerent: (adj) hostile and aggressive. I began my journey to becoming a better human being the day I realized that nothing can really offend me unless I privately fear that it’s true. In other...
View ArticleBellow
Bellow: (v) to emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger. I do not really want to hear what you have to say about how you hear what I have to say. That’s the truth. All my ways seem right to...
View ArticleBlew
Blew: (v) past tense of blow There is great human wisdom in refusing to allow others to rob us of our moment of honesty. If they need to extract the truth from us, we will lose all the brownie points...
View ArticleBurger
Burger: (n) short for hamburger Everybody’s looking for good. But somewhere on that journey, a conflict arises between the idea of what is good and what tastes good. Trying to apply angelic mannerisms...
View ArticleChicanery
Chicanery: (n) the use of trickery I keep finding closets. Little tiny storage places inside my soul where I’ve tucked away mistakes, vices and little lies–so therefore I don’t feel the need to...
View ArticleChock-full
Chock-full: (adj) filled to overflowing I ended up being a father to many sons. This doesn’t qualify me as an expert, but eventually it rescued me from the dangerous status of novice. You can always...
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